Well, Gaines is not technically one yet, but close enough. He had his first birthday party on December 23, and it was great! It took him a while to warm up to the excitement, but he really loved the cake!

I cannot believe that a year has passed by! I never thought I'd say it, but I miss our time in Michigan with that sweet little baby! I love all that he is doing now, but it's going too quickly! He is talking some, just mama, dada, and things we don't understand. He is walking more, just a few steps here and there, but he seems so ready to just take off. When he "cruises" he barely holds on now. He loves his toys, doors, outside, eating, and cords. He is fascinated with the ipad and iphone. He swipes to turn the pages just like he knows what he's doing! He loves watching Sesame Street and Bubble Guppies. He dances any time music comes on! He LOVES the bathtub. He sticks is head right in blows bubbles. He loves his cousins and tries to hang right in there with them. He loves all his "people" and lights up when any of them come in. He has figured out how to throw a "fit", and it's pretty funny. He sticks that bottom lip out and throws himself on the floor. It doesn't last long, though. He loves music and snuggling in our bed early in the morning! He is just a delight! I honestly don't know what we did to deserve such a blessing, but I sure am glad!

Look at those scrawny little legs! Think he was just a couple of days old here! |
The year has gone by so quickly! It seems like just yesterday we were headed to Michigan, scared out of our minds, to meet him! With all we were feeling, we never could have imagined just how much this little boy was going to change our lives! We thank God every day for this little man! He is the love of our lives!
Santa came! |
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